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Destiny Update Addresses Three of Coins' Effectiveness

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  • Destiny Update Addresses Three of Coins' Effectiveness

    Bungie today released a hot fix for Destiny, the most noteworthy aspect of which centers around the recently added Three of Coins item.
    Most of update deals with resolving various bugs. These include an issue with Year 1 Strikes not dropping Uncommon and Rare gear properly and another involving players who reached level 40 without first turning in the quest for hitting level 30.
    But it's the change to the Three of Coins that should be the most impactful part of the update. The Three of Coins is a new consumable item sold by Xur each week which increases the likelihood of an Exotic engram dropping from your next Ultra kill. Bungie says the item "now provides a smaller increase in Exotic engram drop chance when rapidly killing Ultras."
    This is likely in direct response to a technique that emerged last week shortly after the Three of Coins went on sale for the first time. This involved players killing a particular Strike boss with an explosive that also killed them; this allowed them to return to a recent checkpoint and kill the boss again, making it easy to rack up Ultra kills--and quickly earn Exotics.
    If you're using the Three of Coins in a more normal fashion, it sounds as if you shouldn't expect to see a difference. "When used with more time between kills (for example, on Strike bosses), they remain as effective as before," Bungie's weekly update explains. It also looks as if there are more ways than we previously realized to earn Exotics.
    The full patch notes follow below.
    Destiny patch notes:


    • Fixed an issue with Year 1 Moments of Triumphs in which Golden Chest node completions were disappearing after TTK release



    • Fixed an issue where players who reached Level 40 before turning in the Reach Level 30 objective did not properly receive the Level 40 quest
    • Fixed an issue where the quest "High Value Targets" did not correctly reward Legendary Marks upon completion


    • Fixed an issue where Year 1 Strikes were not dropping Uncommon and Rare quality gear as intended


    • Some treasure chests in the Dreadnaught are now in a location that only allow them to be looted once per spawn


    • Three of Coins now provides a smaller increase in Exotic Engram drop chance when rapidly killing Ultras


    • Dismantling leveled-up Exotics now have a reduced chance to produce 2 Exotic Shards
