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Yes, the Rebels had it tough in the Star Wars Battlefront beta

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  • Yes, the Rebels had it tough in the Star Wars Battlefront beta

    Were Empire forces at an unfair advantage in the Star Wars Battlefront beta's Walker Assault on Hoth battle? Everyone who played the beta has an opinion and usually it's the same one: yes.
    Chiefly, the Empire has powerful AT-AT and AT-ST walkers the Rebel army has no obvious answer to, because elsewhere Luke Skywalker counters Darth Vader, and the T-47 Airspeeder and X-Wing power-ups counter the TIE Fighters and Interceptors.
    The Rebel aim is to capture and hold Uplink Stations that call in AI Y-Wing bombers to trigger a period of AT-AT vulnerability, in which they can be harmed and destroyed. But they don't go down easily: you'll need a couple of vulnerability periods to shoot one down - and capturing and holding Uplink Stations while Imperial forces try to prevent you is hard. As a Rebel, the odds feel stacked against you, and more often than not, you lose - those little toy power generators are pew-pewed to high heaven.
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