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Han Solo, Leia and Palpatine detailed in Star Wars: Battlefront

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  • Han Solo, Leia and Palpatine detailed in Star Wars: Battlefront

    Earlier this month data-miners discovered that Star Wars: Battlefront will let you play as Princess Leia, Han Solo and Emperor Palpatine. Now we have the details on just what playing as these characters entails.
    As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, lead hero designer Jamie Keen described Leia as "very much about support play, buffing team members and holding positions." Players that spawn near her will spawn as Alderaan Honour Guards.
    She'll also have a boosted blaster shot called Trooper Bane that can eliminate a stormtrooper in a single shot. It will also severely damage and stun Villains. Another one of her abilities is the Enhanced Squad Shield, a stronger version of the Squad Shield Power Card that she can still shoot through with Trooper Bane active. Furthermore, Leia can order supply drops, offering power-ups for ground troops and health boosts for Heroes.
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