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Titan's soul: a day with Overwatch

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  • Titan's soul: a day with Overwatch

    The name of the game may be Overwatch, but we all know what we're playing is a slice of a bigger project Blizzard would no doubt rather forget. Titan, the long-in-development game designed to revolutionise the MMO genre, never quite found its flame - save, that is, for one bright spark that Blizzard couldn't quite put out: a team-based shooter that went into beta last week.
    Overwatch's combat characters are split into four different categories: offence, defence, tank and support, and there are some interesting surprises to be found in each one. In the offence category, for example, you have the usual assortment of short-range gunslingers, but Tracer can bend both time and space to blink out of danger, or warp back to an earlier moment when her health bar was more plentiful.
    Defensive characters range from turret-dropping mechanical monsters to Mad Max villains capable of firing deployable wheels that detonate on demand. Slingshot snipers can hook themselves through the air from statue to rooftop in order to scope out and upset the enemy team's next path of least resistance. Only the Tank category currently feels a little underwhelming, with its assortment of rather same-ish, shield-bearing damage sponges that provide cover for their team.
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