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Best Stuff in Comics This Week

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  • Best Stuff in Comics This Week

    Every week, we take a look at some of the most bizarre, exciting, and downright unique things to happen in comics. Check out our choices below of the strange and wacky things that shouldn't be overlooked from this week's releases.
    There may be some tiny spoilers ahead.

    Astonishing Ant-Man #7

    Best Way to Install Video Cameras
    Sometimes, putting in a security camera can be a hassle, with the ladders and the climbing. Luckily, Ant-Man just enlists the help of Giant Man to do all the dirty work for him.

    James Bond #6

    Best Display of a Special Bullet
    Seeing James Bond kick some butt and take down bad guys is pretty cool. However, this issue of James Bond gives readers an X-Ray look of how these bullets went through the enemy's heads.

    All-New Hawkeye #6

    Best Commentary on Hawkeye's Lack of Powers
    It must be tough to be on the Avengers when you're one of the few people without any powers or a suit of armor. Barney talks about Hawkeye's teammates in this scene in a jet plane.

    Sam Wilson: Captain America #8

    Best Reason to be Happy For Young Steve Rogers
    Steve Rogers got his powers and his age back, and one thing that's great about that, for Bucky, is he no longer has to yell or repeat himself.

    James Bond #6

    Best "You Sank my Battleship" Reference
    The James Bond films are known for their over-the-top plots, the action-packed scenes, and their witty one-liners. Of course, when a giant ship goes down, someone has to make a reference to the Battleship board game.

    Sam Wilson: Captain America #8

    Most Disturbing Birthday Party (or best reason to avoid random birthday parties in the woods)
    How do you get an all-powerful being, made up of the cosmic cube but trapped in the body of a child to come to you? Throw it a creepy party in the middle of the forest! Just make sure you have your party hats to make it super-legit.

    Shaft: Imitation of Life #3

    Best Conversation on Dialogue we had to Censor
    Shaft was hired to be a consultant on a new movie. While discussing a particular line of dialogue, Shaft's expertise is called into play as he tells the actor what the best way to deliver this highly-censored line.

    Deadpool #10

    Best Reference to Rock Sensation Creed
    To be fair, references to the band Creed should be minimal in comics. Regardless, Deadpool is chasing down Sabretooth, whose real name is Victor Creed, in a sweet motorcycle chase. Deadpool has some words for Creed that he finds to be quite the insult, flipping him the bird.

    Grumpy Cat and Pokey #3

    Best Reaction From a Cat Having to go for a Ride
    If you own a dog, then mentioning the word "car" aloud will drive your pup into a frenzy. This week, Grumpy Cat shows us what happens when a cat realizes it has to go for ride.

    Chew: Demon Chicken Poyo #1

    Best Declaration About the Comic You're Already Reading
    Young Lily has become possessed and a priest is there is there to expel the beast. He'll do so by reading to here from the "good book." The book you're currently reading: Chew: Demon Chicken Poyo.

    Howard the Duck #6

    Best Reason Not to Buy the Warranty
    Sometimes, you need a warranty on an expensive item. However, when purchasing a high-powered weapon, Rocket learns that this is one case where you really don't need the warranty because if it breaks, you're dead.

    Flash #50

    Best Way to Escape from Prison
    There's lots of ways to escape from prison and most of them include well-thought out and elaborate plans. Girder figures the best way to get out is to just kick through a cement wall.

    Superman: American Alien #6

    Best Place for Clark Kent to Stand When Greeting Friends
    When Clark's friends come to visit him in Metropolis, Clark decides to stand in front of a giant poster of Superman. Luckily, no one makes a connection between him and the Man of Steel.

    Superman: American Alien #6

    Best Superman Impersonator
    Ever wonder why no one makes the connection between Superman and Clark Kent and why no one said anything when Clark stood in front of a giant poster of Superman? Clark explains why to his friends.
    That's it this week. Let us know in the comments below what other Best Stuff you dug this past week. Special thanks to @djfanco for his suggestion. If you want to participate or felt we missed some other Best Stuff, don't complain, contribute! Each week you can @reply us on Twitter at @GManFromHeck and @ImMatElfring by Fridays using the hashtag #BestStuffInComics. We'll give you a shout out and I'll think you're pretty groovy.
