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Don't expect Cyberpunk 2077 at E3 - or any time soon

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  • Don't expect Cyberpunk 2077 at E3 - or any time soon

    There are whispers and speculation but I can tell you Cyberpunk 2077 will definitely not be at E3 this year. That comes from the horse's mouth: CD Projekt co-founder Marcin Iwinski himself.
    "It might happen that we will be at E3 and we will show something at E3, but I just want to make it clear it's not Cyberpunk," he told me at Polish conference Digital Dragons recently. "We still have a lot of work to do with Cyberpunk."
    I believe what CD Projekt Red will announce at E3 will be the game - or thing - it mentioned in a recent annual report. Under plans for 2016, CDPR mentioned, "A new type of video game format previously unexplored by the studio." That doesn't necessarily mean it's a game and doesn't necessarily mean it's coming out this year. But it could be both.
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