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Watch Dogs 2: "There are no towers"

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  • Watch Dogs 2: "There are no towers"

    If you've ever played a Ubisoft open world game then you'll know the score. Assassin's Creed features towers to climb which unlock missions around you. Far Cry features towers which, again, unlock missions around you. And - guess what - Watch Dogs 1 features towers which unlock missions around you.
    Watch Dogs 2, on the other hand? It's going to be a bit different.
    Ubisoft's hackathon sequel was revealed just before E3 via a showy livestream video. The footage introduced us to a bright new San Francisco setting and Marcus Holloway, a new main character. We also saw souped up gadgets and expanded hacking abilities, but how the game actually played, and how different the game's new progression system is, were left under wraps.
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