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Sounds like Team Bondi's Whore of the Orient is long dead

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  • Sounds like Team Bondi's Whore of the Orient is long dead

    Whore of the Orient, that mysterious game by Team Bondi (LA Noire), sounds like it is dead and buried - and has been for a while.
    When asked in a Gamehugs podcast (via finder) whether we'd ever see Whore of the Orient, a former producer for the project answered "I don't think so".
    "Well Whore of the Orient was the spiritual successor to L.A. Noire," said producer Derek Proud. "We were going to use that tech and we were going to create a game set in the 1930s, maybe 1940s, of Shanghai. Shanghai was the only place in the world you could go to in the 1930s and 1940s if you didn't have a passport. So everybody who was running from something went to Shanghai. The whole city was run by a gangster called Big-Eared Du and it's just the most fascinating time, place and setting.
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