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Battlefield 1 feels like a return to the past in more ways than one

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  • Battlefield 1 feels like a return to the past in more ways than one

    Oh it's so lovely to be back in wartime France. There's something reassuringly familiar about the stomping grounds of Battlefield 1's closed alpha, and the St. Quentin Scar map that's at the heart of it all: in those gentle French hills torn violently apart and in that bucolic village that's soon reduced to rubble there's something of Call of Duty 2's Carentan, and even if the clock's been wound back a few decades it's a little reminder of an era of first-person shooters that was thought lost.
    There's something of the past generation of Battlefield games too, of course - DICE's decision to head to the first world war is a step into relatively unexplored territory, but it also feels like a step back into the slower, more considered skirmishes of Battlefield 1942, albeit with a slightly steampunk, more brutal edge. Syringes to revive teammates, shovels to smash enemies around the head with and so much mud, steel and brickwork colliding into one noisy mess. Everything feels more analogue after the digital worlds of Battlefield 3 and 4, and playing Battlefield 1 is like getting reacquainted with a lovingly restored antique. Everything that's old is new again.
    It feels more human, too, the sense of weight and of your own body heightened. You can mantle higher objects now, hurling yourself up and over walls. It's hardly Mirror's Edge, but it's a much more physical take on the first-person shooter than we've seen elsewhere. Slam through that door, heave yourself through the heavy gunner's door of a tank or simply hear the wet thud as you're felled into the sloppy mud by a distant marksman.
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