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Enigmatic Xbox One, PC puzzler The Turing Test gets release date

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  • Enigmatic Xbox One, PC puzzler The Turing Test gets release date

    Handsome, enigmatic first-person puzzler The Turing Test comes out on Xbox One and PC on 30th August.
    This is the next game by Pneuma: Breath of Life developer Bulkhead - that game also being a first-person puzzler, so plenty of practice n' that. In his review Edwin said Pneuma: Breath of Life was, "A serene yet unnerving first-person adventure born of sustained philosophical inquiry, let down by inconsistent puzzle design."
    Well, tonally, The Turing Test seems to tread a similar line. The set-up involves the player reaching a facility governed by some kind of AI, and exploring it. Squint and it looks a little like an eerie Portal without, um, the portals - but there is a fancy gun that interacts with door controls and bridge controls via a beam of light.
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