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Watch: building sky-ships in Worlds Adrift to fly into the unknown together

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  • Watch: building sky-ships in Worlds Adrift to fly into the unknown together

    What a week for flying towards an uncharted horizon. No Man's Sky is here, finally, but how multiplayer is it? How much can you do with friends - or can you only talk to them about the places you've been, see their proverbial flags on the planets they've discovered? What if you could go there together?
    That's where Worlds Adrift comes in. It's not a space game but it is a ship-flying game, and the whole idea is endless exploration in multiplayer. Massively multiplayer. Not so much so that you'll trip over people, but you will encounter them and you will fly ships with them - and you will fight them.
    But Worlds Adrift goes one deeper than that. It wants those flying machines to be yours from the framework up. Will you create a galleon of the sky to be crewed by your friends, or will you zip around in a nimble one-person fighter? Where will you place the helm, the engines, the canons, the sheet metal armour? Perhaps you'll make your ship a doughnut in order to confuse attackers about where your vital components are.
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