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You can max out your ship and equipment on the first planet in No Man's Sky

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  • You can max out your ship and equipment on the first planet in No Man's Sky

    Reddit user DoktorFeelgood has "maxed out" the starship, exosuit and multi-tool without leaving the starter planet No Man's Sky - proving some interesting things about the way the game systems work in the process.
    "I've spent 25+ hours on my starter planet and have maxed out my Exo Suit, Starship, and Multi-tool. I think I'm ready to begin my journey," DoktorFeelgood posted, with screenshots of his three inventory screens to prove it.
    By "maxed out", the poster means that the maximum inventory space on each item has been attained: 24 slots on the multi-tool, and 48 each on the starship and exosuit. Every player will know that inventory space is the most precious commodity in No Man's Sky. But as you can see from the screenshots, DoktorFeelgood doesn't have many upgrades installed, reasoning in the thread that the plan for this phase of their game was to keep as much space as possible for hauling materials (upgrades take up inventory space in No Man's Sky): "This set up was to maximize grinding/hauling. I would even scrap upgrades that crashed ships already had."
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