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Performance Analysis: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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  • Performance Analysis: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is now available and we've now spent a good few hours with all three versions of the game. Powered by the Dawn Engine - an upgraded engine based on IO Interactive's Glacier 2 technology platform - this new title takes on a new look with plenty of advanced graphics features on display. The question is, how is it running thus far across the three platforms and which version should you play? Let's take a closer look.
    Right out of the gate, we're looking at native 1080p on PlayStation 4 and 900p on Xbox One. Both versions employ a high quality temporal anti-aliasing solution that helps clean up edges, but this is somewhat spoiled by an aggressive, non-defeatable sharpening effect that produces visible edge ringing across the image. The PC version allows users to disable these options independently, in addition to taking advantage of the more demanding MSAA, though its impact on memory consumption - and indeed performance - is high.
    In judging the technical performance of a game like this, there are a few key elements to consider including map size, loading times, and frame-rate. In this case, the Dawn Engine is capable of much larger maps than the previous Deus Ex, with a huge number of fully explorable buildings that can be entered without any additional loading. It's the first time since the original Deus Ex that we've seen maps of this scale and, in many ways, Mankind Divided is able to exceed that. The maps are simply huge and richly detailed throughout the game.
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