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The Last of Us's Ellie Actor Would Love to Return for Sequel

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  • The Last of Us's Ellie Actor Would Love to Return for Sequel

    The Last of Us ended ambiguously for its two protagonists, Joel and Ellie, leaving many people wondering if a sequel would continue the story or create something entirely original. We got the opportunity to speak to Ellie voice actor Ashley Johnson, who told us she would love to return for a sequel.
    "I feel like if they were to pursue it again, if they were to have another story for Ellie or Joel or that whole world, I would totally jump on board," Johnson said. "But you know there's also a part of me that thinks, 'Man, the story could stand alone,' and sometimes we should just leave it alone. If they were to make another one, though, I would love to be a part of it."
    Johnson also commented on The Last of Us movie, which has seen a troubled production. She said she'd love to see it come to fruition but isn't sure how its production is coming along or if it's even going to happen. When asked if she'd appear in it, she joked, "Yeah, I'd be a clicker."
    As for how The Last of Us movie is progressing, Naughty Dog director Neil Druckmann said he's "been a writer on it" but it "hasn't moved anywhere in the past couple years." He added that the script is good, and there was even a table read, but it hasn't progressed past that.
    We spoke to Johnson as part of an interview for Critical Role, an online Dungeons & Dragons show that features multiple video game voice actors and, at times, celebrity guests such as Vin Diesel. Resident Evil series actor and Critical Role host Matt Mercer also talked to us about the upcoming Resident Evil 7, which he says is "scaling back" on classic cameos.
