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Xbox One Sales Rise Almost 1000% in UK Following Slim Model Launch

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  • Xbox One Sales Rise Almost 1000% in UK Following Slim Model Launch

    Xbox One sales rose 989 percent week-over-week in the United Kingdom, a dramatic uptick in sales that is thought to be related to the recent launch of the slimmed-down Xbox One S models.
    According to MCV, the Xbox One owned a 71 percent share of the console hardware market for the week ended September 24. This represents an increase of 76 percent compared to the same time last year.
    PlayStation 4 sales jumped 22 percent week-on-week, following the release of the PS4 Slim earlier this month. However, PS4 had only a 19 percent market share for the week and unit sales declined 66 percent year-over-year. When comparing the launch weeks of the PS4 Slim and the Xbox One S, Microsoft's console enjoyed sales that were 361 percent stronger than Sony's.
    Something that might have fueled the Xbox One's success last week was the fact that Microsoft launchd a FIFA 17 bundle last week. The game didn't launch in the UK until today, September 29, but the game was playable through the bundle since it came with an EA Access membership.
    "It's great to see how popular both the Xbox One S and the FIFA 17 Xbox One S consoles are with fans, not just over the last week but since the Xbox One S was released in August," Xbox UK marketing manager Harvey Eagle told MCV. "4K video streaming and 4K UHD Blu-ray have been extremely well received and we believe there is no better value right now for those looking to upgrade their console."
    Microsoft is on a roll lately, not just in the UK. The Xbox One outsold the PS4 in the United States during July and August. We'll know if Microsoft can extend its winning streak to three months in a row when NPD data for September comes out in October.
    Earlier this week, Microsoft released a new Xbox One S TV ad that touts the console's 4K Blu-ray player.
