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Battlefield 1 Multiplayer: 12 Tips for Beginners

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  • Battlefield 1 Multiplayer: 12 Tips for Beginners

    Tips to Better Your Multiplayer Skills

    Battlefield 1's multiplayer can be a challenge to newcomers. With so much to take in and understand, we've compiled a guide to better help you along in your experience. Click ahead to see 12 tips that'll enhance your Battlefield 1 multiplayer skills.
    Check back often as we update this article with even more multiplayer tips, and be sure to comment below with any tips that have helped you!

    The Assault Class is the New Engineer

    The Assault class in Battlefield 1 is similar to the Engineer class from past Battlefield games, meaning it's capable of equipping a variety of anti-vehicle weapons, such as rocket launchers, dynamite, and mines. If you're looking to take down tanks, push the front line, and cause heavy damage against the opposing team, Assault's the class to use. It's also a class ideal for beginners.

    Fire the Scout's Flare Gun in an Upward Arc

    The Scout class' Flare gun is a great way to spot enemies in the environment, as long as the flare lands in their general area. When using it, be sure to fire the flare in an upward arc, which expands its area of coverage and increases the time it takes for it to fall down. The Flare gun can also light soldiers on fire if hit directly by a shot.

    Clever Medic Tactic

    As the Medic, you can drop health packs to keep your teammates alive. However, this support ability can also be used to execute a clever trap. The trick is to lay down health packs in an area of cover (primarily a corner), and then wait for nearby enemies to start firing at you. Once you've caught the attention of a few, keep a firm offensive until you start to get low on health. Take cover to patch your wounds quickly; this will lure out the enemies you damaged, so use this an as opportunity to pop out with full health and take them out. Rinse and repeat until the enemy starts catching onto what you're doing.

    Support's Weapons Are More Accurate the Longer They're Fired

    Support Class machine guns have what's called negative spread, which means they start firing their most inaccurate shots first, before reaching maximum accuracy. If you play Support, it's best to fire your machine gun in long spreads, ideally while you're prone with a bipod deployed. This can also be a handy way to clear a path for your teammates, as you can simply sit still and let loose a hail of increasingly accurate gunfire as your team charges forward.

    Spend Warbonds Wisely

    As you level up in Battlefield 1, you'll earn Warbonds, which are used to unlock weapons, gadgets, and vehicles. You don't get a whole lot of Warbonds early on, so it's essential that you prioritize spending them to unlock items for the classes you play the most. Don't waste the currency on unlocks for niche classes, like the Tanker and the Pilot, which you're likely not going to be using as much as the game's four main classes.

    Removing Bayonet Increases ADS Speed, But Be Wary

    It's possible to take the bayonet off your rifle, which allows you to ADS (aim down sights) faster from a sprint. However, taking it off doesn't affect accuracy, so it's better to equip it for the sake of having a melee contingency if you run out of ammo and an enemy shows up. However, if it's not an attack type you rely on, the bayonet may hinder your reaction time.
    If you decide to equip the bayonet, it's worth noting that a quick charge can kill an Elite class soldier in one hit, as well as take down an armored soldier easily as long as the attack is directed at their rear.

    Don't Freak Out Over Soldiers on Horseback

    When a soldier on horseback is charging at you, with a sword in tow, it's easy to panic and wildly shoot at them. But if you find yourself in this situation, be sure to focus your fire on the soldier, not the the horse. Soldiers have less HP than horses, even those who are armored. If you can't fire enough shots in time, go prone to dodge their saber swings.

    Don't Wait, Keep Firing Mortars

    When you launch a mortar, a cinematic animation plays where you see it land on the position you indicated. Once the animation finishes, you return to the mortar's third-person aiming mode. However, it's possible to keep launching mortars from the cinematic perspective by continually pressing the fire button. It's also possible to shift the trajectory from this perspective; though, you won't be able to see the actual display arc. This is a handy trick that allows you to keep firing without having to return to the mortar's third-person aiming mode, losing your situational awareness.

    Weapons and Vehicles Have Variants

    Battlefield 1 doesn't have as many weapons as past games in the series. However, what the game lacks in weapons, it makes up for in the number of variants available for each weapon. Each offers different characteristics; for instance, a weapon can have variants with larger ammo capacity, full-auto firing, or even enhanced hip-fire accuracy. With so many variants available, we encourage you to experiment with each one to find out what best suits your playstyle.
    It's worth noting that Tanks and Planes also sport variants; each has different weapon loadout options. You can find out more details about each variant in our comprehensive Battlefield 1 vehicle gallery.

    Calvary Class Support

    While riding around on horseback and swiping enemies with a sword seems to be the core appeal of the Calvary class, there's more to it than that. One of its special abilities is to throw ammo and health packs to allies, which makes it a valuable resource to any team when used properly. In addition, the Calvary class sports a strong arsenal of weapons and higher HP than regular infantry.

    You Can Change the ADS Zoom Level on Weapons

    It's possible to change the ADS zoom level on specific weapons; if you select the cog icon to customize your weapon, you'll see an option that allows you to adjust it.
    As an added note, Battlefield 1 also has an ADS FOV (Field-of-View) option, which allows you to apply your chosen FOV value to weapons when aiming down sights, meaning you'll maintain wider peripheral vision and enemies won't appear larger.

    Look Out for Medics in the Death Screen

    When the enemy downs you, you're faced with the death screen's countdown timer. As you wait for the timer to finish, we recommend keeping an eye on the flagged Medic locations that appear here. While it's always possible to enter the deployment screen after dying, it's a better use of your time to see if a Medic might come to your aid.
