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Dishonored 2 trick offers amazing, cruel protection from fall damage

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  • Dishonored 2 trick offers amazing, cruel protection from fall damage

    Dishonored 2 offers many nifty tricks up its sleeve, but perhaps its most entertaining is that players can avoid fall damage by creating a doppleganger of themselves to cushion their landing.
    As tweeted by Gunpoint developer Tom Francis, Dishonored 2's Emily has a power called Doppleganger that creates a decoy of the player that can be used to distract enemies. One of its unintentional (albeit absolutely delightful) benefits is that this clone can be used as a crashpad when dropping from afar.
    Francis discovered that if you're plummeting from an extremely high point one can manifest your double while falling, only to slide a dagger into their throat a split-second later. (Which, come to think of it, seems pretty unnecessary.)
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