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Star Wars Rogue One: 16 Coolest References and Easter Eggs

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  • Star Wars Rogue One: 16 Coolest References and Easter Eggs

    There was a lot to love about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Whether it was the sights and sounds of the time when the original trilogy took place or the third act of the film, which was amazing, Rogue One lived up to the hype. If you saw the film, then you know there were a ton of references to the other films in the series, so we're breaking down some of our favorites. There are still a lot more Easter Eggs in Rogue One, so let us know what your favorites are.
    This gallery will contain spoilers, so if you haven't seen the movie yet, check out a spoiler-free review from GameSpot.

    The C-3PO and R2D2 Cameo

    It feels like it wouldn't be a Star Wars film without at least one of these droids showing up. During a scene at the Rebel base on Yavin IV, there's a quick shot of the two talking to each other, shortly before they board the Tantive IV and have their famous meeting with Princess Leia

    Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba Are Back

    Remember those two jerks at the Mos Eisley Cantina that Luke Skywalker almost gets beaten up or killed by? Well, they appeared in Jedha City, just moments before it was blown up by the Death Star. Obviously, they escaped to go be jerks on Tattooine.

    Bail Organa Returns

    There were a few moments in Rogue One that connected the film to the prequels, and no, one of them was not the mention of midi-chlorians. Jimmy Smits reprised his role as Bail Organa and was featured in a few scenes, right before he flew off to his eventual death on Alderaan.

    Mon Mothma Returns

    Genevieve O'Reilly reprises her role as Mon Mothma from Revenge of the Sith. She's a political leader for the Rebels during the Galactic Civil War. In Return of the Jedi, Caroline Blakiston played Mothma.

    Obi-Wan Is Mentioned

    While many were hoping for a cameo from the Jedi-in-hiding, Obi-Wan Kenobi, he does not appear in Rogue One. However, during a scene in which Bail Organa and Mon Mothma are talking, they mention their Jedi friend, who is in hiding.

    Captain Raymus Antilles Mentioned

    At the Rebel Base on Yavin IV, over the intercom, the name "Captain Antilles" can be heard. He's the Rebel who got choked to death by Darth Vader in A New Hope. While some may think this refers to Wedge Antilles, he was not a captain in the Alliance until four years later. There was no relation between the two.

    The Return of Bantha Milk

    Also known as "Blue Milk," we saw its first appearance in A New Hope, when Luke Skywalker poured himself a glass. We see it in Rogue One in the Erso household early on in the film.

    Darth Vader's Castle is on Mustafar

    At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Obi-Wan and Anakin had an epic battle on the planet covered in lava, Mustafar. In Rogue One, we saw Darth Vader's castle, and Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo revealed on Twitter that, yes, his wicked-awesome castle was on the same planet where he almost got killed.

    Darth Vader in a Bacta Tank

    When it comes time to heal up--after a day of force choking disobedient members of the Empire--Darth Vader likes to rejuvenate himself in the Bacta Tank. That's what his son--Luke Skywalker--did in the Empire Strikes Back. The first moments we see of Vader in Rogue One are of him in the Tank, with a couple Imperial Royal Guard members watching over him.

    Footage from A New Hope Was Used

    Unused footage from Star Wars: A New Hope was used for Rogue One, believe it or not. Footage of Gold Leader Jon Vander and Red Leader Garven Dreis showed up during the Battle of Scarif, repurposed for the movie.

    K-2SO Has a Bad Feeling About This

    While he got cut off towards the end of the line, K-2SO was the character who uttered the phrase "I have a bad feeling about this," which has been in every Star Wars movie. Six other characters have said this phrase throughout the franchise's history: Obi-Wan Kenobi (twice), Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo (three times), Princess Leia, and C-3PO.

    Leia on Tantive IV

    The end of Rogue One transitions into A New Hope, as Princess Leia is given the plans for the Death Star. This is right before the Assault on Tantive IV, where the Empire captures Leia.

    Ghost is at the Battle of Scarif

    The ship Ghost, from Star Wars Rebels, was actually at the Battle of Scarif. In the picture above, you can see it towards the bottom-left of the image. This ship was owned by Hera Syndulla, and the ship isn't the only reference to her.

    Syndulla is Mentioned

    On Yavin IV, before the Rebels head off to Scarif, someone says "General Syndulla" on the intercom. Looks like she's risen in rank between Rebels and Rogue One. That may also mean she's still the pilot of Ghost, even if it's bizarre to have a general in a smaller ship.

    Chopper's Cameo

    The grumpy droid from Rebels, Chopper, can be briefly seen at the base at Yavin IV.

    Saw Gerrera Wasn't a One-Shot Character

    We didn't see too much of Saw Gerrera in Rogue One, but there is a lot more to this character than many people realized. He appeared on the animated series Clone Wars and is rumored to appear on Season 3 of Rebels, which returns in January. While we may know know a whole lot about him now, we'll get a whole lot more of him in 2017.
