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Watch: Dishonored 2 helped me conquer my fear of getting caught

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  • Watch: Dishonored 2 helped me conquer my fear of getting caught

    With 2016 looking increasingly like one long, unending augury of the coming apocalypse, I feel suddenly inclined to confess a sin or two. Here's one: I never finished Dishonored.
    It's not that I didn't enjoy Corvo's adventures in Dunwall, quite the opposite, but the problem way I couldn't get the hang of sneaking around without getting caught. Every time I played Dishonored, I felt like I was simply blustering through the levels and failing forward to eventual success.
    Eventually my desire (and inability) to play Dishonored in a satisfactory way kept me from playing it at all - no matter how I tried, I just couldn't be a good enough Corvo to justify carrying on.
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