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What you should know before starting Dishonored 2's New Game Plus mode

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  • What you should know before starting Dishonored 2's New Game Plus mode

    Dishonored 2 now has a New Game Plus mode allowing you to continue powering up your character (or characters) on a subsequent playthrough. Yay! But it's not that simple, as some things don't carry over. Here's what you should know before beginning:
    Unspent Runes don't carry over. Neither do unspent whalebones, coins, or Bonecharms.
    As such, you'll probably want to invest in the Bonecharm Crafting perk late in the game and upgrade it to Craft Runes. Then, before completing the game, you'll want to break down every Bonecharm you have and use your bounty of whalebones on crafting Runes. As mentioned above, you can't take it with you, so spend, spend, spend!
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