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Being Player Two is rubbish

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  • Being Player Two is rubbish

    Somewhere around 1990 my sister, nearly four years my senior, received a NES as a gift. The first game we played, as is true for most people, was the original Super Mario Bros.
    Because that little grey box of wonder belonged to my sister and I am the younger sibling, the natural order shook things out almost immediately: she was Player One and I was Player Two.
    That pattern followed through subsequent games. Super Mario Bros. 3, Bubble Bobble, Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers; it didn't matter what the game was. I was always Luigi to her Mario, Bob to her Bub, or Dale to her Chip. I was happy enough with my lot and, talking to friends, it seemed like similar unspoken arrangements had settled into their households. The older sibling or the one who 'owned' the console was Player One, and the younger sibling was, invariably, Player Two.
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