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Resident Evil 7's latest DLC is lightweight, but varied

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  • Resident Evil 7's latest DLC is lightweight, but varied

    With Resident Evil 7's previous DLC pack, Banned Footage Vol. 1, I suggested that Capcom would need to "pull out some new tricks" in order to keep us interested in its smart but slim pseudo series reboot. With its latest add-on, Banned Footage Vol. 2, Capcom hasn't strayed far from the well by delivering an expansion that's even slighter than its first, yet costs 50 per cent more. That's not to say that this latest add-on isn't entertaining - as it's still quietly captivating - but rather that it's inessential and only caters to Resi 7's most devoted fans.
    Like Banned Footage Vol. 1, this latest offering is comprised of three vastly different standalone segments that can be played in any order.
    21 is the most bizarre of the bunch with its tenuous connection to the rest of the game's mechanics. Strapped to a grisly torture device, players resume the role of unlucky cameraman Clancy as he's forced into a deadly game of Blackjack against a fellow hooded prisoner while sick puppy Lucas Baker lords over, Jigsaw-like, from a bevy of monitors. Whoever loses a round gets a finger sliced off. Or at least that's how it starts. The stakes quickly raise to two fingers, then three, and it only gets more gruesome from there.
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