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WWE Fastlane 2017: Match Card and Predictions

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  • WWE Fastlane 2017: Match Card and Predictions

    There is one more stop on the way to Wrestlemania, and that's the Raw brand-exclusive event Fastlane, taking place at the BMO Harris Bradley Center in Milwaukee, WI on Sunday, March 5. Almost every title for the Monday night show is on the line, except for the United States Championship, which is currently held by Chris Jericho (pictured above). There is a lot at stake, so let's take a look at the match card and our predictions.

    Rich Swann & Akira Tozawa vs. The Brian Kendrick & Noam Dar (Kickoff Match)

    The Brian Kendrick offered to take newcomer Akira Tozaea under his wing as his protege, but Tozawa refused. To teach him a lesson, Kendrick attacked Tozawa on Raw and 205 Live. Now, the two will fight each other with a little help from some tag partners.
    We’re thinking this may be building towards another match, but probably not for Wrestlemania. That being said, we’re giving the win to Tozawa in hopes that he and Kendrick will have a rematch--but just a one-on-one--at a future event.
    Our Prediction: Swann & Tozawa win

    Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax

    The rivalry between Nia Jax and Sasha Banks continues. Last month, Banks was attacked by Jax while she was having her knee evaluated. She is all healed up now and will face Jax at Fastlane.
    While Jax winning doesn’t really further the storyline or push towards something bigger for Wrestlemania--which we'll get into a little bit later--we do not see Banks winning this match. We love her, but we're giving the win to Jax, who is an unstoppable powerhouse.
    Our Prediction: Jax wins

    Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson (c) vs. Enzo Amore & Big Cass

    (For the Raw Tag Team Championship)
    Enzo and Big Cass get their title shot against Raw Tag Champions Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. The current title holders have been talking a whole lot of smack, and they'll have to put their money where their mouth is against the fan favorites.
    The titles should stay with Gallows and Anderson here. We're big fans of Enzo and Cass, but we don't think they're ready to take the belts home just yet. In addition, if the champs get a dirty win, Enzo and Cass can make a claim for a Wrestlemania rematch, which is a smart way to go with this rivalry.
    Our Prediction: Gallows and Anderson win dirty.

    Neville (c) vs. Jack Gallagher

    (For the Cruiserweight Championship)
    Both Neville and Jack Gallagher are the best reasons to watch 205 Live. They are both phenomenal in the ring and have incredibly entertaining personalities that clash exceptionally well with each other, with Gallagher as the goofy face and Neville as the overly-serious heel. This could be one of the better matches of the evening.
    Since Neville's return, he's been at the top of his game; however, nothing will be a bigger blow to his ego than having his cruiserweight title taken from him. For that reason alone, we're giving the win to Gallagher, as it will setup a rematch at Wrestlemania. In addition, everyone loves Gallagher, and who doesn't want to see him win?
    Our Prediction: Gallagher wins.

    Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe

    Samoa Joe has left NXT and finally made his way to the main roster. His first task was to take out Seth Rollins for Triple H. After doing that, he has his eyes set on Sami Zayn, who has been very vocal about what Joe has been up to.
    Because Seth Rollins is injured, this match feels thrown together last minute. Don't get us wrong, it should be a great match, but the heat isn't there for it. Regardless, because Joe has been built up as this untouchable mercenary, we see him coming out on top with the win.
    Our Prediction: Samoa Joe wins.

    Bayley (c) vs. Charlotte

    (For the Raw Women's Championship)
    Bayley recently won the Raw Women's Championship after beating Charlotte. Now, Charlotte is looking for a rematch. While she may not be the champ, she is undefeated in title matches at PPVs, so that is going to be a factor here, even if it's something that just gets into the head of Bayley.
    The matches between these two stars have been a lot of fun, so that being said, we think this contest will set up another match at Wrestlemania. For that to make sense, Charlotte needs to win here. Hopefully, what we will see is either a Triple Threat or Fatal Four Way match adding Sasha Banks and Nia Jax. If Bayley wins, Charlotte coming back for the belt isn't as believable of a story.
    Our Prediction: Charlotte wins.

    Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman

    Braun Strowman has been unstoppable in the WWE. Since splitting from the Wyatt Family, he's really come into his own over the past year. Now, Roman Reigns wants a shot to try and take Strowman down at Fastlane. Could this finally be the moment where WWE turns Reigns heel? Please?
    Fastlane is not the place for Strowman to lose a high-profile match like this, especially since this match has been built up for the past month with Strowman interfering in Reigns' matches. Sure, seeing Reigns get revenge on Strowman could be a nice way to wrap up the story, but we're thinking this match will end with Strowman's arm raised and this rivalry continuing into Wrestlemania.
    Our Prediction: Strowman wins.

    Kevin Owens (c) vs. Goldberg

    (For the Universal Championship)
    A couple weeks ago, all of our hearts collectively broke when Kevin Owens beat down Chris Jericho during the "Festival of Friendship." Because of this, Owens won't be able to rely on Jericho for help when he defends his title against Goldberg, who really wants Owens's title.
    While we love Owens as champ, we think this is going to Goldberg, so he can defend the title at Wrestlemania against Brock Lesnar. We hope this prediction is entirely wrong, but with how easily Goldberg has defeated Lesnar on two occasions--Survivor Series and Royal Rumble--Owens doesn't seem to stand a chance, unless he has some outside help. However, we could see Goldberg get the win, without getting the belt, if Owens is counted out or disqualified. For a more in-depth analysis of this match, check out our Who Will Win The Universal Championship video.
    Our Prediction: Goldberg wins.
