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Beneath the wild Overwatch Custom Games are some real gems

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  • Beneath the wild Overwatch Custom Games are some real gems

    What happens when you give someone full control over Overwatch game slider-settings? Sliders controlling character health, damage dealt, damage taken, ultimate charge and so on? Well obviously you go wild, and so people have.
    Custom Games rolled out yesterday and there are pages and pages of them, settings all over the place. Try one, it's carnage. Go to the Arcade menu and then Find Game. In one I kept Zarya's bubble up constantly, rendering her invincible; in another, Soldier 76 could drop an entire team in a heartbeat with his ultimate, which seemed to charge every second. And Torbjorn? Oh my god Torbjorn. It's a lot of short-lived fun.
    But beyond the mayhem, beneath the mayhem, you can see glimpses of more considered Custom Games. There are many themed around training, be it headshots or other aspects of the game; and there are many based around teams fighting one opposing hero, which has been boosted to boss proportions. Hey the 4v1 genre lives on! Most are slapdash first attempts but others clearly have thought behind them. Indeed, there's now an Overwatch Custom Games subreddit devoted to them - sharing the settings you need to replicate them.
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