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Super Bomberman R shows a side of the Switch that's a little unloved at launch

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  • Super Bomberman R shows a side of the Switch that's a little unloved at launch

    This isn't going to be a particularly fashionable opinion around these parts given the animosity many still hold for Konami, but I quite like Super Bomberman R.
    It's an unashamedly old-fashioned affair with its roots set firmly in the past - some of the original team from Hudson Soft, the much-loved Japanese company that merged with Konami back in 2012, are onboard for this - and it's doing something that nothing else really is around Switch's launch. Super Bomberman R is all about huddling around a screen with some friends and playing some boisterous local multiplayer, something you can do pretty much anywhere now thanks to the Switch's unique set-up. And it does a pretty good job of that too.
    Super Bomberman R leans heavily on the nostalgia of a certain generation, harking back to the 1993 SNES outing that saw the series at the peak of its popularity. The original Super Bomberman is one of those games you might find yourself pining for over a pint, and Super Bomberman R makes use of one of the Switch's best tricks by letting you play in the pub. And you won't even need a multitap.
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