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John Wick, Gateway, and my love for a good video game hub

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  • John Wick, Gateway, and my love for a good video game hub

    Man, I love a hub in games. And so few get them right. A good hub can elevate a game that, otherwise, I don't really care much about.
    Example: I appreciated the good things in Dishonored, but I didn't love it. I can't remember much of the missions, or what I got up to in that painted sepulchre of a city. What I can remember - what I return to increasingly often, in fact - was the hub, set in a beer-soaked boozer surrounded by blitzy decay, buildings reduced to the ragged spines of their stairwells, pointed towards the cloudy sky.
    This boozer was great. It gave me a bit of downtime between missions, of course, but it was also filled with jokes (the Portal scorch marks on the wall!), with a sense of the world of Dishonored and even a few mysteries. What was on the middle floor of the pub?
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