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First Far Cry 5 gameplay debuted at Ubisoft E3 show, features good dog

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  • First Far Cry 5 gameplay debuted at Ubisoft E3 show, features good dog

    Ubisoft showed off some proper Far Cry 5 gameplay at its E3 2017 conference earlier today, and it's just what you'd expect.
    The trailer kicks off with a nice bit of hymn recital, followed by several minutes of bloody murder. The main focus of this one is the notion of "guns for hire," "friends for hire," and "fangs for hire" - allies you can call on in the form of non-player characters, wild animals, real-world friends, and a real good dog.
    It's the first time we've seen the feature in action, with you seemingly being able to point at an enemy and set your various pals-for-hire upon them on command. The dog that was featured, Boomer, is not only a very good boy, but also will steal and retrieve for you an enemy's weapon if you ask him nicely.
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