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Star Wars Battlefront 2 For Nintendo Switch Hasn't Been Ruled Out

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  • Star Wars Battlefront 2 For Nintendo Switch Hasn't Been Ruled Out

    A Nintendo Switch version of Star Wars Battlefront II could happen, but it doesn't sound likely. Speaking to GameSpot this week, Motive Studios producer David Robillard said EA will consider a Switch version "if we see opportunities."
    "This is something we'll explore if we see opportunities there, but it is not something that's on the books right now," Robillard explained. Battlefront II launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in November. A Switch version, if it ever does happen, would presumably come after that. Battlefront II runs on EA's Frostbite engine, which hasn't been used for any Switch games so far. The Switch version of FIFA 18 uses a custom engine, whereas the PS4 and Xbox One versions use Frostbite.
    EA and other publishers often speak about being platform agnostic, which is a way of saying they want to be wherever the consumer is. If any platform has a large enough install base, you can expect publishers to want to bring their games to it. While the Switch is off to a solid start and has sold 4.7 million units as of the end of June (the latest available reporting period), that pales in comparison to the install bases of the PS4 and Xbox One, while the PC market is of course massive as well. There is also the matter of the Switch's horsepower compared to those other platforms.
    We'll post our full interview with Robillard in the days ahead. In a separate interview, EA Motive called Battlefront II's 'pay-to-win' accusations "hard to dodge." We recently played some of Battlefront II's campaign--check out our single-player impressions here.
