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Capcom offers full, final details of its imminent PS4-exclusive Monster Hunter World

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  • Capcom offers full, final details of its imminent PS4-exclusive Monster Hunter World

    Capcom has unveiled full, final details of its upcoming PlayStation 4-exclusive Monster Hunter World beta, due to begin this Saturday.
    More specifically, the Monster Hunter World beta starts on Saturday December 9th at 5pm, and runs until Tuesday December 12th, finishing at 4:59pm on the dot. You'll need to be a PlayStation Plus subscriber to join in the hunt, and the full download weighs in at 5.1GB.
    As previously announced, the beta will feature three different playable quests. "Great Devourer, Great Jagras" takes place in the Ancient Forest, and sets the Great Jagras as your target. "The Ancient Forest Menace" also unfolds in the Ancient Forest, but this time you'll be hunting an Anjanath. The beta's final quest, "Wildspire Rampage", occurs in the scorching heat of the Wildspire Waste, with all eyes on a Barroth.
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