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Is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 too ambitious for Switch's mobile mode?

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  • Is Xenoblade Chronicles 2 too ambitious for Switch's mobile mode?

    It's been a remarkable year for Nintendo's Switch and Monolith Soft is ensuring a strong finish with Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Building on the technology that powered Xenoblade X on the Wii U, this new game expands upon its engine in numerous ways enabling cool new visual effects in the process, but this ambition is met with unexpected drawbacks that detract from its overall presentation, including the one of the lowest recorded rendering resolutions we've seen on record. Clearly, the developers have walked the tightrope here in terms of balancing new features with the hardware limits of the Nintendo hybrid and we're not entirely sure that it's fully paid off.
    Technological challenges apart, Xenoblade 2 still delivers in many respects, delivering a massive world to explore with the freedom the series has become known for - but this time, it's not evident from the outset. Unlike the previous game, Xenoblade 2 is focused on narrative and the first hour of the game is designed to pull players into that story. It works and by the time you arrive in the first massive open area, you have a real objective driving you forward.
    And what a world it is! Xenoblade 2 is a beautiful game in many ways, with lands stretching far into the distance, delivering an epic sense of scale. Exploring islands and cities suspended above the clouds channels a feeling we've not felt since we played Skies of Arcadia on the Dreamcast. It's immediately tempting to explore its outer boundaries, but it's when looking out across the game's expansive landscapes that the first major issue becomes evident - image quality.
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