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PlayStation 4 hacked: pirate software available, more PS2 titles running

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  • PlayStation 4 hacked: pirate software available, more PS2 titles running

    Homebrew PlayStation 4 development on older consoles is finally happening, which has in turn led to the arrival of pirated software and a way to run more of the PS2 game library on Sony's modern console.
    The floodgates opened earlier in the month with an exploit that allowed for low-level system access on the console, albeit restricted to consoles operating with system software 4.05. This automatically limits - severely - the amount of consoles on the open market that can run the exploit, and the vulnerability in the console was patched with firmware 4.06, which arrived way back in November 2016.
    However, since the exploit was released, there's been a lot of activity and support from hackers, including the arrival of Linux support, full root access to the system via FTP and the arrival last week of PS4HEN - a homebrew enabler. We've now reached the point where package files can be installed on the PS4, and tools are available to decrypt games, which can then be re-packaged and installed on compromised consoles.
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