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Elite Dangerous' third season kicks off next week with a massive free update on conso

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  • Elite Dangerous' third season kicks off next week with a massive free update on conso

    Elite Dangerous' first big update of 2018 - known as "Beyond - Chapter One" - will release next Tuesday February 27th on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, Frontier has announced.
    This will mark the start of Elite's third season of content updates, which differs from previous seasons somewhat in that it's primarily focussed on bringing much-needed improvements, adjustments, and refinements to the core game.
    Chapter One, for instance, introduces the first of several planned visual updates to Elite's universe, in a bid to make it a more aesthetically interesting, slightly less beige place. There's also an overhaul of the Crime and Punishment system to address the way that the game responds to Commanders that harass - and explode - innocent players.
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