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Kojima Has Meeting With Metal Gear Movie Director, But The Bigger Story Is His Mug

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  • Kojima Has Meeting With Metal Gear Movie Director, But The Bigger Story Is His Mug

    A Metal Gear Solid movie is coming. It's being directed by Kong Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who is saying all the right things about making the movie the right away. It's too early to say if it'll break the video game movie curse, but it sounds like Vogt-Roberts gets it. And it's encouraging to know he's been working alongside--or at least consulting with--Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima on the film early in the production process. That can only help.
    He recently held a video meeting Kojima to presumably discuss the film, and yeah, that's all well and good. But the bigger, more important story here is the mug that Kojima brought to the meeting. Vogt-Roberts shared a screencap of his video session with Kojima, and this includes the odd-looking mug. We thought about it, and are wondering if that is some kind of crazy lid on top? To keep the drink hot? And the design itself--what's that all about? Please help us understand.
    Scheming today with @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN.
    — Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) April 3, 2018
    If you have any thoughts on this Very Serious And Important Topic, please leave them in the comments below. We'll update this post accordingly as new information becomes available.
    On a more serious note, in August last year, Vogt-Roberts told GameSpot that the Metal Gear movie was undergoing a re-working of the script to make it more in line with what fans want to see. He recalled an important meeting with Sony Pictures executives where they took on board his thoughts about how the movie, at the time, might have been going down the wrong path.
    "I was able to go to them and say, 'Let's stop where we are, because I think we're heading down a direction that doesn't fully capture why people love this game, what Kojima's voice is, why people who have played this game for decades love it, why people who have never played this game will love it,'" Vogt-Roberts said. "I was able to say, 'Let's really think about whether we're making the truest, most balls-to-the-wall Metal Gear version of this--the most Kojima version of this. And even if that means we make it for a little bit less money, let's make the version of this that's true to what it is, fully committed to what Kojima's voice is.'"
    Vogt-Roberts, who is clearly passionate and knowledgable about the Metal Gear Solid franchise, also told GameSpot about why he thinks video game movies have come up short over the years.
    "I think that [filmmakers] have looked at a video game movie and said, 'Oh, that's flashy! That's cool!'...and there's very little desire to really understand the tone and the atmosphere," he said. "A big part of it is not fully committing to the source material, being able to say 'No, this is what makes this great, so let's figure out how we translate it.'"
    It is still early days for the Metal Gear solid movie. There is no word on a release date or cast, but of course we will be covering all the news about it, so keep checking back for more. Vogt-Roberts has some familiarity with video game productions, as he directed the Destiny 2 New Legends Will Rise live-action video.
    As for the Metal Gear series, the latest installment is Metal Gear Survive, which launched in February to a tepid critical reception. It was the first new release in the long-running series following Kojima's departure from Konami. Kojima is now working on the PS4 game Death Stranding with the new version of his studio Kojima Productions.
