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Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble - PSP (RP)

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  • Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble - PSP (RP)

    Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble puts players in the role of a high school student on aclass trip to a historic Japanese city, includes no shortage of fist-to-face and knee-togutaction, and all in the name of pride and bragging rights.
    • Claim your turf Youâll have to fight dozens of other factions on your quest to be king of the hill. Will you choose to argue the point with your fists, your feet, or whatever you find lying around next to you?
    • Unprecedented depth for a brawler Trigger special events based on time of day, acquire tons of costume, weapons, and items, and take on unique challenges. You wonât see everything the game has to offer in one playthrough, meaning tons of replayability!
    • Huge territory to explore and conquer Thereâs a lot of prefecture out there to put your name on. Explore the various areas at your disposal and plan out how youâll manage to take everything over.

    Release Date:Tue, 10 Nov 2009

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