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Back from the dead: OnLive on what went wrong and what has to go right

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  • Back from the dead: OnLive on what went wrong and what has to go right

    OnLive is dead. Last month's news shocked the game industry, sent confidence in cloud gaming tumbling and left OnLive's staff out of a job. Soon after founder Steve Perlman, his reputation shredded, packed his bags for something else.

    That, we thought, was that. But OnLive survived. A new investor swooped in to grab the assets and cloud gaming tech on the cheap using a management buyout and re-hired half the staff. Now, the new OnLive is a leaner company, and, after understandable downtime, is back and wants you to know about it.

    At Eurogamer Expo we sat down with the new CEO of OnLive Charlie Jablonski and UK boss Bruce Grove for a no holds barred interview on what went wrong and what has to go right for the cloud gaming company to re-establish itself as a viable business. And what does all the turmoil mean for OnLive customers? Read on to find out.

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