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Sims head gets Second Life

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  • Sims head gets Second Life

    Rod Humble leaves EA's Play label to become CEO of virtual world publisher developer-publisher Linden Lab.

    It's a safe bet to say that this Christmas, Rod Humble received a signing-bonus check in his stocking. Today, Second Life developer-publisher Linden Lab announced the now-ex-Electronic Arts executive is its new CEO, effective immediately.

    Linden Lab's new CEO, Rod Humble.

    "I have a long standing interest in the how the boundaries of society and economics change as communications evolve in new ways," said Humble in a statement. "Second Life is unique: it sits at the intersection of virtual worlds, avatars, and human contact."

    Prior to his new gig, Humble had more than a little experience with virtual worlds and avatars. As executive vice president of EA's Play Label, he oversaw development and publishing of the Sims, history's top-selling PC game series. Before that, Humble was a vice president at Sony Online Entertainment, where he headed product development of the massively multiplayer online role-playing game EverQuest.

    MMORPGs are similar to the experience offered by Second Life, which will be the focus of Humble's new gig at Linden Labs. The virtual world has the biggest virtual economy in the real world, with over $150 million worth of goods exchanged in Q3 2010 alone.

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    "Sims head gets Second Life" was posted by Tor Thorsen on Thu, 23 Dec 2010 16:02:49 -0800
