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Article: Games of 2010: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

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  • Article: Games of 2010: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

    Great apes.

    Enslaved isn't my favourite game of 2010. It isn't the title I spent the most time playing. It doesn't even fit within the central themes which ran through my gaming year: dancing, farming, waggling, waving and platforming like it's 1994.

    I've chosen Enslaved as my game of the year all the same. In truth, this is partly because I've said all I have to say about dancing games and FarmVille and retro comebacks. And because I can barely remember anything about all those waggly and wavy games except the fact that at least half of them had "sports" in the title and only three of them were any good.

    But to say it's just because of that would be doing Enslaved a disservice. This game stood out, and it still sticks in my mind three months on. I recall it being flawed, no doubt, but it was also more original, engaging and memorable than almost all the other games I played in the last 12 months.

