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News: EA: 7% of mobile gaming done on toilet

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  • News: EA: 7% of mobile gaming done on toilet

    Loo would've thought it?

    Here's something to bear in mind next time you ask a mate if you can borrow their grubby, smeary iPhone to make a quick call. Seven per cent of all mobile gaming time is enjoyed while the user is perched on the porcelain throne, so says a top EA exec.

    During an address at the annual DICE gaming summit in Las Vegas, as reported by VentureBeat, EA Mobile VP Travis Boatman outlined five of the biggest mobile gaming myths. First on his list was the perception that people only play while on the move.

    According to unattributed research, 47 per cent of the time people are playing at home, 12 per cent of the time it's during a commute, 14 per cent while at work, seven per cent while in the restroom, three per cent during school hours and one per cent at the airport. 'Miscellaneous' made up the rest of the pie chart.

