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Animated Man: Warren Spector Profile

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  • Animated Man: Warren Spector Profile

    It's fitting that Warren Spector makes games about Mickey Mouse, because he's one of the most animated individuals I've had the pleasure of interviewing. Midway through our chat he gets up and pantomimes a move from a cancelled game collaboration with Hard Boiled director John Woo.

    Actually, he's reenacting the manoeuvre Woo acted out for him to show off his vision of their lead character, modern day ninja Katsato, swooping down from above in a special trench coat that would allow him to glide like Batman.

    "He leaps from the roof of a building, then he does this," Spector says as he transitions from his arms outstretched to a kneeling position. "He flicks his arms back and lands. He comes down on one knee... He can instantly fire off shurikens as he lands!" Spector starts flicking out a series of imaginary ninja stars across our tiny meeting room.

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