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i just have to let u know

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  • i just have to let u know

    i dont know if u have payed attention,
    and maybe seen me more quieter than usual
    but i dont know if my glow is dying here
    now after the resent event that happend to this clan...
    im not blaming anyone ,so stay calm is nobodys fault
    it is just me missing the good old time, if i can call it that...
    for me it was,and it will always be...
    but i know deep inside that there is a new day coming with new memories
    good and fun, for i realy like you boys and girls,i will newer deny that.
    but for now i lost the feeling somwhere,its sad but i cant help it
    it feels like a little bit of me are dying day by day
    and i dont want to make anyone sad by saying this, belive me okey
    there are people i like wery much in this clan,that i know would be sad if i left,
    but i dont know now what foot to stand on leave or stay? that i dont know yet,
    sure there have been sad things in this clan, much anger and strange fellings.
    belive me i know,and i have always tried to help the best i can,
    and i promise u i will always do that even if i leave.
    and there will always be a storm sometimes that later dies out and all will be normal again.
    i will always feel love for all of you people old and new members.
    for i know that u all are good people,and are here to have FUN
    and belive me i always have fun with you guys and i always had fun.
    so i have to think for a while right now,so if u dont see me so much u will know why
    so please no sad feelings for this ok
    i just wanted you boys and girls to know how i feel right now.
    Pure (Sweden) Biggest nOOb ever....Free Birth

  • #2
    try to cheer up nick, you are always a happy person so try to be happy my friend!

    ILL BE BACK!!!!!!


    • #3
      Sad to hear m8, but Im stayin for a while....livin day by day...and it would be a great loss if u left. No, Swede to talk to on TS, (talkin swedish, and learnin brothers and sisters some useful words) But I know that some close friends left us all and its really hurts in my heart to. But IŽll guess I have friends who still r here to and the oneŽs who had left...I can allways keep in touch with them over the msn. But its not the same feelin, but its probably cause alot of things had happened on so short time, I havent really sat down and thought about it yet. I try to leave all this behind and look forward, to protect and serve the BiA.

      The crazy swede from Norrland

      "We happy few, we band of brothers - for he today that sheds his blood with me - shall be my brother"
      - William Shakespear, King Henry V


      • #4
        I hear you Bananpure...But dont leave....It will all come together..I dont even know what happen!!!!!!!It is sad to read all this stuff,Cu99 was the only person i knew here, and she is gone from [BIA] however i do see her alot and all the others that left..They are still all my friends....Remember, its a game...We are all here to have fun......I will, stay in [Bia].....Keep the love going,and it will come back to you.......


        • #5
          Well good friend...

          I'm only BiA for a shot time now, but i'm feeling the same now. But there is one thing that i know, that is keeping me here. Every down has it's up, Every rain has to stop. The only thing you need to do is wait. Stay put and play with us like you played with the ones who left. You will never be able to get them back, not even when you leave BiA. So stay and wait until the dust settles, and see that things have changed, exept you. You are still the same Banan, It's your unwritten job to hand over the torch to the next ones. Teach them to be BiA. Show them how you handle problems like a real BiA, Cuz if i'm not wrong you're here a long time. Be a mentor in the BF, and beyond.

          I even thiink the storm is almost over. Only the last drops falling from the sky. The pool of water will dry, and no one will ever know it rained here at BiA. Only the one's who where there. Like you.

          As long as i Agree with the rules, As long as i play wolf, As long as i own a pc, i will stay BiA. Until i'm a veteran, and i can't play becouse of cripple legs. I don't love BiA for the names of ppl. i love BiA for the code it stand's for, and the ppl who honor that code. If someone leaves, sure i'm sad, but new friend means new subjects new tactics new love. New members seem to be fresh, but they are willing to live by the code of BiA so they aren't so different from the one's who left.

          Banan stay at BiA, cuz i know you honor the code. I know you want to honor the code. And i also know you're sad becouse the ones who left. They where your bro's and sis's, but they aren't now anymore. You lost them as family but you will never loose them as friends.

          Don't leave banan or this Kid has no eng to revive anymore

          Th@ K!D

          P.S. I hope these words can change your thoughts Banan.

          P.S. Just wait 2 more weaks before you decide. plz
          If you ain't seeing B!lly Th@ K!D, it ain't means i'm not there...

          Could be -]F&F[- F@st who's B!lly at his best...


          • #6
            check your email Nick


            • #7
              We need an engineer!!! I know how you feel Nick If there is anything you need let me know. I am there for you.

              I will be very sad if you leave, but I will also support you if thats what you decide to do. I will always try to revive you when you are down and out my friend/brother. LOL

              There's so damn many of them, maybe, just maybe my boys can stop them from gettin' the book. Yah, maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.


              • #8
                me too man, anything, please let me know
                Learn on other people mistakes.....
                You can never make them all!!!!


                • #9
                  Hey dont leave the [BiA] who else shall i blow up with my panzer when they trying to plant the dynamite


                  • #10
                    Hey man dont leave

                    I wish I knew more bout you men to try and help you sort this current troubling issues. I just want you to know banan that what I know bout you is enough for me to think you are a great person.. So you have my support in whatever you decide.....

                    Have a nice day !!
                    The PenetratoR


                    • #11

                      You are always a nice friendly and good player, listen to your heart and take time you ll see everything will come on the right place. Most important is to take time it's not invented for nothing, time will heal all wounds believe me!!
                      Good luck pall,

                      The old Wolf
                      Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
                      Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
                      Walk beside me and just be my friend.

                      The old wolf


                      • #12
                        OOOPS im soo sorry but my whole text didnt get on the post up there
                        why i dont know?but hey u know me!!!
                        im a noob on this!!!
                        (missing part)
                        but this is not a goodbye from me for now ,for i have to try finding the love for the game again,and i will try to do that with all of my heart
                        for i know that i love to play it ,but my fighting spirit is gone..
                        i dont have the power to try get over to the objective all the time these days,why i dont know..
                        maybe i have to play on def for the rest of my life, but inside i dont want to do that ,
                        i want to play and have fun like i used to do, but i feel empty right now.....
                        i will still play but dont expect me to be like im used to be BUT i will try...
                        i hope u understand me better now
                        so cheer up now OKEY

                        and im soo sorry i didnt see this at once but i was tierd last night
                        "looking at the phone and wonder why"

                        Pure (Sweden) Biggest nOOb ever....Free Birth


                        • #13
                          Cheer up m8, I know your feelings because I have them too at the moment. I wont leave this clan though......Im happy that this isnt a goodbye.



                          • #14
                            Take your time Banan , youre fighting spirit will come back i hope !
                            grtz Six


                            • #15
                              I hear ya Banan!

                              But, to me it sounds like you need a Lt and a med to escort you to whatever objective needs destroying, so that you can do your magic with the dynamite, and start having some fun again.

                              For what it's worth .......

                              I think that we [BiA] need to get together on a ** BIG ** server, and start having some of that FUN again.
                              "I am the ultimate bad ass! State of the bad ass art!"

