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Raspberry Pi Introduces App Store (with Games Too)

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  • Raspberry Pi Introduces App Store (with Games Too)

    New Pi Store serves up games and other toppings to Raspberry Pi owners.

    Well here's a surprise. The Raspberry Pi Foundation, makers of the low cost Raspberry Pi Model A ($25) and Model B ($35) mini PCs, today announced the Pi Store. You'll find all kinds of different apps in the Pi Store, even games, all capable of running the credit card-sized systems that sell for peanuts. The founders say it's a great place for "total beginners" to dive in and enjoy the "Raspberry Pi experience."
    The store runs as an X application under Raspbian and includes 23 free titles at launch. Apps range in functionality from LibreOffice and Asterisk to gaming titles like Freeciv and OpenTTD. Users can download apps or upload their own creations for moderation and release.
    "We hope that the Pi Store will provide young people with a way to share their creations with a wider audience, and maybe to a make a little pocket money along the way; as well as offering commercial developers an easy way to get their software seen by the Raspberry Pi community," the Raspberry Pi Foundation said in a blog post.

    Users who upload apps can choose whether to make an app free or paid. Even if it's free, there's an opportunity to make a bit of coin via a tip jar mechanism.
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