After Android success, NVIDIA now hopes its TegraZone app will make a splash on Windows RT
Having its Tegra 3 SoC chosen for two platform-defining tablets, the Google Nexus 7 and the Microsoft Surface RT, has got to be one of the highlights of NVIDIA's year. However, the company is not content merely with design wins. This is evident from its TegraZone initiative, a one-stop shop for Tegra-optimized games and outright exclusives. Till now restricted to Android, the TegraZone app is now available for the two-month-old Windows RT.
This should not come as a surprise to anyone, as back at the time of the Surface RT's launch in October NVIDIA had announced that it would "extend its popular TegraZone application to Windows RT to make it easy for gamers to identify the most compelling games for Tegra-powered Windows RT devices."
Available now from the Windows Store, the Windows RT TegraZone app currently offers Tegra 3-optimized versions of Judge Dredd vs Zombies, Pinball FX 2, Reckless Racing Ultimate, Riptide GP, Soulcraft, Space Ark, Sprinkle and Vendetta Online. According to NVIDIA, the TegraZone versions of these games contain a number of enhancements over the ones available from the Windows, including realistic physics, dynamic lighting and particle effects.
"NVIDIA offers one of the largest developer relations teams in the world – a dedicated support team of over 100 employees to help Windows RT and Android developers create games that take advantage of the ultra-efficient power of the quad-core Tegra 3 processor," the company wrote in a blog post announcing the TegraZone Windows RT app.
"With over 6 million downloads for Android devices, TegraZone is primed to make a splash on Windows RT."