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Windows 8 Store Adding Apps at an Impressive Rate

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  • Windows 8 Store Adding Apps at an Impressive Rate

    Windows 8 will have quantity, but will it have quality?

    The Windows 8 App Store has only been officially open for about two months now, but the number of apps available is just a few dozen away from passing over the 36,000 mark. That’s an impressive accomplishment to be sure; however it’s still difficult to single out any example of a “killer app” for the platform.
    The store filled up quickly with the usual suspects such as Angry Birds, but it’s also picked up a ton of unofficial apps for popular services such as YouTube and Facebook. To make matters worse, it’s not easy for your average consumer to determine which apps are knock offs, and which are the real deal. The screenshot below showing the results for “Facebook” prove this point nicely.
    It’s still early days, and the situation is bound to improve, but let’s hope Microsoft puts some serious effort into helping consumers locate and discover worthwhile apps.
    They’ve got quantity, but do they have quality? Take a look at the screenshots below, and let us know your impressions.
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