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Awesome Google Doodle Celebrates Maurice Sendak’s 85th Birthday

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  • Awesome Google Doodle Celebrates Maurice Sendak’s 85th Birthday

    Google goes "Wild" with latest doodle.

    Maurice Sendak, author of "Where the Wild Things Are" and other popular children's books, would have turned 85 years old today if he was still alive. Sadly, he suffered a stroke just over a month before his birthday in 2012 and passed away at 83 years old, but he left behind a literary legacy that has already stood the test of time. Google chose to honor the children's author with one of its neatest doodles to date.
    The animated doodle begins with Max running through his bedroom to Where the Wild Things Are, but instead of sailing home, the scene transitions to the city lights of "In the Night Kitchen" and ending with a birthday celebration from "Bumble-Ardy" among a gathering of Sendak's characters.
    It's a rather neat journey through Sendak's illustrations and a fitting tribute to the late American illustrator and author. It's also just one of many Google doodles through the years, all of which are conveniently archived if you ever want to check them out.
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