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Secret AMD Roadmap Suggests End of the Line for FX Processor Lineup

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  • Secret AMD Roadmap Suggests End of the Line for FX Processor Lineup

    Will there be another FX processor beyond the FX 9590?

    We're a little hesitant to fan the flames on this one, but according to a series of documents AMD supposedly handed out to OEMs "behind closed doors," the end of the road for the Sunnyvale chip designer's FX Series might be fast approaching, if not already here. Should AMD ultimately decide to retire its FX Series sooner than later, the FX 9590 could end up being the brand's swan song.
    Don't shoot the messenger -- this information comes courtesy of VR-Zone, which claims to have obtained and combed through the secret documents. You can't see them, and neither can we because VR-Zone is opting not to post the images publicly due to heavy watermarking.
    It would be a curious move by AMD to retire the FX Series after having broached 5GHz, earning the company a bit of bragging rights. The 5GHz feat did not, however, earn AMD the performance crown, which is held firmly by Intel and its Haswell architecture at this point.
    Another alternative is that AMD could skip an FX refresh for all or most of 2014 and launch new chips either at the end of the year or sometime in 2015.
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