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IDC: Tablet Shipments Decline as Consumers Await Updated iPad Models

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  • IDC: Tablet Shipments Decline as Consumers Await Updated iPad Models

    Tablet shipments slip in Q2

    Newly released data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) suggests that the lack of a new iPad model from Apple is the primary reason why tablet shipments declined in the second quarter of 2013. According to IDC's figures, worldwide tablet shipments "finally experienced a sequential decline," dropping 9.7 percent in the most recent quarter. At the same time, the 45.1 million tablets shipped in Q2 represents a 59.6 percent jump from the same quarter a year ago.
    Apple shipped the most tablets in Q2, injecting 14.6 million additional units into the market place to claim a 32.4 percent share of the market, followed by Samsung in a distant second place with 8.1 million shipments and 18 percent stake. After the big two, the numbers drop off a cliff, with Asus having shipped 2 million units for a 4.5 percent share, followed by Lenovo (1.5 million, 3.3 percent) and Acer (1.4 million, 3.1 percent).
    Even though Apple led all other tablet makers, iPad shipments were still lower than expected.
    "A new iPad launch always piques consumer interest in the tablet category and traditionally that has helped both Apple and its competitors," said Tom Mainelli, Research Director, Tablets at IDC. "With no new iPads, the market slowed for many vendors, and that's likely to continue into the third quarter. However, by the fourth quarter we expect new products from Apple, Amazon, and others to drive impressive growth in the market."
    Consider this the calm before the storm. Heading into the final quarter of the year, IDC expects new product launches from several players to have a big impact on shipments.
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