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Cooler Master Teases HAF Stacker Computer Case

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  • Cooler Master Teases HAF Stacker Computer Case

    Offspring of HAF and Stacker computer cases will be unveiled later this month

    PC peripheral maker Cooler Master wants you to ignore the spasmodic (and greatly exaggerated) reports of the PC’s impending demise and instead concentrate on the upcoming launch of its all new HAF Stacker computer case series.
    The company recently launched a dedicated micro site for the upcoming case, which it says will be the world’s very first “mod-tower” case. However, the site is currently in teaser mode and has nothing other than a jigsaw puzzle (a new image every day) and a countdown timer, based on which we know that the HAF Stacker case will make its retail debut in a little over 51 days from now.
    Does the name HAF Stacker sound familiar to you? It’s because HAF (High Air Flow) and Stacker are names of two previously popular computer case products from Cooler Master’s stable. According to the company, HAF Stacker is a “revolutionary”, new product range that has elements of both.

    But don’t worry you won’t have to spend the next couple of months speculating about the HAF and Stacker series’ offspring, for the case will be unveiled on August 30, 2013. Until then, feel free to speculate in the comments section below.
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