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Patriot Beefs Up USB 3.0 Flash Drive Lines with 128GB Capacities

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  • Patriot Beefs Up USB 3.0 Flash Drive Lines with 128GB Capacities

    Little drives upgraded with big capacity

    This is turning out to be quite the week for fans of fast and capacious flash drives. Corsair yesterday announced a trio of high capacity USB 3.0 thumb drives, and moments ago we received an email from Patriot letting us know that it added three new 128GB USB 3.0 flash drives to its Supersonic family. These include the Supersonic Rage XT, Boost XT, and Pulse, all of which support the SuperSpeed spec.
    Built for performance, the Supersonic Rage XT offers up to 180MB/s read and up to 50MB/s write performance. It has a custom retractable USB housing and is coated in rubber to protect from drops, spills, and other hazards of everyday life. If 128GB is overkill, the Rage XT is also offered in 64GB and 32GB capacities.
    Patriot's 128GB Supersonic Boost XT offers similar performance with rated read and write speeds of up to 150MB/s and 30MB/s, respectively. The Boost XT also ships in a rubberized housing but is a bit more durable. Patriot says its Boost XT drives are water resistant and "provide the best protection from harsh elements." Other capacities include 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, and even 256GB.

    The last in the line to receive a 128GB makeover is the Supersonic Pulse. Billed as the most cost-effective choice among its family of USB 3.0 drives, Patriot rates the read and write speeds at up to 120MB/s and 20MB/s, respectively. Rather than rubber, the Supersonic Pulse features an all aluminum design.
    No word on when these drives will be available to purchase or for how much.
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