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Top 13 Scary PC Games

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  • Top 13 Scary PC Games

    Thirteen scary games for your Friday the 13th

    Horror gaming on any platform is addictive once you've endured your first fright. You always come back for more. You become a slave to the adrenaline rush, or if you're like us, the macabre visuals and otherworldly ambiance. But it's tough to weed out what's worth your time from the Slenders and the Flash abominations out there.
    That's why we've done the legwork for you, bringing you thirteen of the scariest PC games we can find and including links to trailers for each title. Whether you like wandering around in the dark or combating Lovecraftian horrors, we've got tricks and treats for you on ths list. Pack a fresh pair of undies and ready your WASD keys for some abuse, because these games will try your patience and test your nerves. Take the plunge with us and try not to be terrified.
    What's your favorite horror game? Or are you too chicken to play this genre? Let us know in the comments below!

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