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Microsoft Yanks Unfunny "Fly on the Wall" Videos Mocking Apple

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  • Microsoft Yanks Unfunny "Fly on the Wall" Videos Mocking Apple

    Microsoft's jabs at Apple miss the mark

    Oh Microsoft, is it really so hard to spend a portion of your record revenue and obscene profits on humorous advertisements? Apparently so, because the company's latest attempt to poke fun at the competition once again fell flat, only this time the ads missed the mark so badly Microsoft mercifully yanked them off the web only hours after posting them. The ads were supposed to poke fun at Apple's iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S launch, a pair of relatively easy targets. Instead, they came off as trying too hard, leaving that uncomfortable feeling in your gut when you're embarrassed for someone.
    A series of seven ads titled "A fly on the wall in Cupertino" kick off in a board room with two Apple employees pitching ideas to who is presumed to be the CEO of Apple. All you see of the CEO is the back of the head, and the actor they chose appears more like Steve Jobs in his final days than Tim Cook, so there's a bad vibe right from the get-go.
    From there, the actors mock Apple's design sessions and the company's over-the-top focus on color options rather than offering real innovations. The premise is solid, but the execution is not, even for a web video.
    "Are we going to tell people they're made out of plastic? Nah, bro," a supposed Apple employee proclaims at one part in the video. He goes on to talk about all the demographics that like gold, including pirates and leprechauns.
    Even Microsoft recognized the ads weren't funny.
    "The video was intended to be a light-hearted poke at our friends from Cupertino. But it was off the mark, and we’ve decided to pull it down," a Microsoft representative stated in an email to The Next Web.
    Here's a look at one of the videos:

    See what we mean? Hopefully next time Microsoft outsources its humor. We'd like to suggest Conan so instead of the above, we'll get something more along the lines of this:

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